The aim of weathering is to give the models a sense of realism that they simply dont have straight out of the box and remove their plastic appearance. In reality even within a few days of service locos and wagons become dirtied so why not replicate this in model form. From track dirt to exhaust fumes it can all be replicated by TheWeatheringWorks.
Aswell as selling weathered stock direct I also offer a weathering service by which you send me whatever you would like weathering and i send it back to you weathered to your desires.
Prices for the weathering service can be found on the Weathering service page. This service varies from a dusting of dirt to reflect stock not long in service to a thoroughly uncared for and dirty piece which has chipped faded paintwork etc. A multitude of colours, techniques and mediums are used to enhance the appearance of your stock.
Any questions please get in touch. Have a look around and see if you can be tempted.